Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sqip - NEW COMPANY HRAZDAN their shares

You know what Sqip?
Sqip– Yahoo Sqip-again British company creates a type known to you Yahoo
, Ebay - в 1997 и Google - в 1998. (founded in 1996), Ebay - in 1997 and Google - in 1998.
What happened then?
Correct: issued shares, and they were azhiotazhny demand, and then a rapid increase in their prices.
Now comes the same thing!
As you look to buy shares in the company today Sqip on unusually favorable terms?
Even if you have no money?
Company registration gives 100 shares, which immediately begin to pay dividends.
By involving others, you earn good money and they can buy additional shares or take the money.
Long thinking is not recommended: the action is already increasing rapidly in price. In November, they worth 0.10 now - 0.58 euro per share, and by the end of the year, the price should reach 6 euro.
After registration, when otkroesh FREE account sqip, in a short time receive a 100 free shares.

This link

And so I started with the June 15, 2009! Price per Share = 0.74 Eur.
Price per share increased from vcherashego day for 5 Euro and a compelling cost = 0.78 Eur.
June 18 - рефов already 11 people - my earnings = 86.58 Eur.
19 June 13 рефов and account = 88.14 Eur.
21 Jun 14 partners (it is time to campaign to hold!) Account = 88.92 Euro.
June 22, Partner 14. INCREASE the price per share = 0.82 Eur, respectively, total revenue was a = 93.48 Eur per day and increased to 4.56 euro.
June 23, with the help of a small advertising zavorushki able to increase the number of partners to 19, thus became income = 97.58 Eur per day and increased to 4.10 euro.
June 27 - morning.Partners of 24, on account = 101.68 Eur.
June 27 - Evening. Partner 25 - came one partner second-level! Way to go!
And yet - the price per share increased to = 0.87 Eur, that is increased by five Euro. Соответственно общая сумма = 108.75 Eur. Accordingly, the total amount of = 108.75 Eur.

This link
PEOPLE, attracting PARTNERS!

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